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REALTOR®, REALTORS® and the REALTOR® logo are certification marks owned by REALTOR® Canada Inc., a corporation jointly owned by the National Association of REALTORS® and CREA. The REALTOR® trademarks are used to identify real estate services provided by brokers and salespersons who are members of CREA and who accept and respect a strict Code of Ethics, and are required to meet consistent professional standards of business practice which is the consumer’s assurance of integrity.


MLS®, Multiple Listing Service®, and the associated logos are all registered certification marks owned by CREA and are used to identify real estate services provided by brokers and salespersons who are members of CREA.


Other trademarks may be owned by real estate Boards and other third parties. Nothing contained on this site gives any user the right or license to use any trade mark displayed on this site without the express permission of the owner.

© 2020 by Mathieu Gignac, Keller Williams Integrity Realty. Proudly created with

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